The road we are traveling always seems so crazy but somehow I seem to love every minute of it. The blessings far

outweigh the chaos. Come ride along and enjoy a few of our bumps, u-turns, rest areas, work zones, steep grades,

speed traps, and scenic views.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

On My Honor

Those of you that know me well know that Sam holds a special little spot in my heart, reserved just for him. However, I must admit that his teenage obnoxiousness has replaced some of his childish charm making it just a tad more difficult for him to win me over.
The other day I picked him up from wrestling and as we entered the house we had the usual exchange. He tells me about his day and his homework, I ask a few questions, then he asks what's for dinner and if he has time to shower first. I said, yes you have time to shower and then as he took off for the stairs he stopped and said "hey Mom, is Mollie home?" I replied "yea, she is upstairs." Then I heard him proclaim in a voice of complete joy as he headed up the stairs talking only to himself, "good, I'll bug her for a few minutes first."
On the flip side I was very proud of him tonight at the court of honor. He received his "On My Honor" award. I didn't even know the award existed. By the time I figure out the whole scouting thing he will be done with the program. Anyhow, he earned a few more merit badges tonight and has begun working on his Eagle Project. Way to go Sam, I love you.


Coil Fam said...

Congrats to Sam! We are so proud of him and of his parents, because no good scout is a good scout without his mom and dad helping him, so...Congrats to Mike and Deb, too.
P.S. Run, Molly, RUN!!!!!

Kathryn said...

That is hilarious that Sam would seek out Mollie just to bug her. It sounds to me like he really loves her! Way to go Sam on the Awards! We are just getting started in the world of Scouts!

Chalonn said...

Wow...way to go Sam!