The road we are traveling always seems so crazy but somehow I seem to love every minute of it. The blessings far

outweigh the chaos. Come ride along and enjoy a few of our bumps, u-turns, rest areas, work zones, steep grades,

speed traps, and scenic views.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Catching Up - Part Two - Sam

Yes, we are still here. It is amazing how time gets away from you. Anyhow here are a few of the things that Sam has been up to (besides making his Mom laugh and bugging his sisters) Five months ago this week he had Elbow reconstruction surgery. It wasn't easy but all things considered it went well. He now has about 95% use of his elbow and the surgery was a success. Thanks, to everyone for your love and support and prayers. He missed less school then anticipated and rehab was easier than expected. He had a great freshman year of highschool in spite of having elbow surgery, oral surgery, and getting his braces put on.

After being cooped up for a while and not participating in very many activities he was very happy when he got the OK to start doing things again. Of course getting out on the wakeboard was at the top of his list.

Both Sam and Megan did a great job cheering on Mollie and her team throughout the all star tournament. After every win they would add a new item to their outfits. Much too Mollie's amazement all of the 10 year olds on the team loved Sam and Megan.

The last week of June Sam's cousin Ryan came for a visit and they had a blast. Sam only gets to see Ryan about once a year but they manage to cram in a lot of fun in a few short days.

Of course what fifteen year old boy wouldn't love anything that involves fire.

Sam went on the teachers quorum scout high adventure for a week and had lots of stories to tell. He loved the rock climbing and white water rafting. He wasn't thrilled with all of the hiking but I think a view like this would make it all worth it.
On August 1st he celebrated his 15th birthday (yes I know there are only 9 candles, what can I say). A few days after his birthday we went to the lake with two of his good friends and had a fun day. He loved having the guys to hang out with and I managed to get 15 candles on the 2nd cake. I don't have any pictures but Sam also went to EFY for a week down in Tacoma and had a wonderful time. I loved talking to him after he got home. It was great to hear about all the fun he had, the people he met, and the things he learned. He is already talking about next year. Next it was off to TREK. It is amazing to me that they take so little on trek and do just fine. He wore the clothes you see, had a five gallon bucket of various supplies and a sleeping bag. Despite the hot weather and all the walking he enjoyed it and even had some time to goof of with his friends and smile.

Finally as summer grew to a close Sam loved innertubing with various family members and friends over the summer. I love taking the pictures it is so great to hear all of the laughter. After one last weekend at the lake for the Hickman reunion Sam was anxious to get back to football and is somewhat excited for school and seminary!

1 comment:

Coil Fam said...

You are definitely not raising a wimpy boy! There does seem to a pattern, pictures of him with explosives, rock climbing and tubing and then the pictures of him with a cast. Sam is getting a lot out of life and you can tell from his smile that the broken arm didn't bother him one bit.