What else can I say about Mollie. She is great. I can't imagine our house without little Miss Mollie running the show. She definitely keeps all of us busy and engaged. She loves to hang out with Megan and Sam and complains quite frequently that they are not as much fun as they used to be. She also loves sports and right now is playing softball. She is pitching well but loves to play catcher. She does a great job and I love being out on the field with her. On most days she goes to school without too much fuss but is counting down the days to summer. She can't wait to see her cousins and go innertubing. Definitely one of, if not her most, favorite activity.
There are so many things I love about Mollie but lately the one that sticks out in my mind the most is her very sincere, honest, and intense prayers. There isn't anything that she doesn't thank Heavenly Father and not much she won't ask for. On the night she gives family prayer Megan and Sam make sure they are comfortable. Some of my favorites are please bless that nothing "terribly disastrous" will happen and please bless that "Mom doesn't get toooooooooooo stressed." My favorite though is the day she lost her glasses at school. I picked her up and she was on the verge of crying. She told me she had lost her glasses and I said it was OK we would find them and asked why she was crying. She then broke down and told me that she was upset because she had gone to the bathroom and said a special prayer and it wasn't answered. Of course I told her to keep praying and then said my own prayer that night that she would find her glasses. I have loved watching her realize the answer to many of her prayers and did not want this to effect her too much. She continued to pray and two days later the glasses were found. The giant smile on her face when I picked her up from school said it all. Her love for prayer, faith, and her intensity definitely make her the go to person in our family.
Mollie, you are amazing. I love you!