The road we are traveling always seems so crazy but somehow I seem to love every minute of it. The blessings far

outweigh the chaos. Come ride along and enjoy a few of our bumps, u-turns, rest areas, work zones, steep grades,

speed traps, and scenic views.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

On Sunday afternoon we spent a little family time carving pumpkins. Time definitely goes by too fast. Mike and I were saying how different it was to sit back and let them do it all by themselves. They didn't need us at all. It is great that they are older and more independent but also a little sad. Luckily I had dinner to make and Pat and Colleen to visit with so it wasn't too bad staying out of it. I guess if I want to carve my ideas I will have to buy my own pumpkin next year. Grandma Lucy and Papa stopped by and the kids lit their pumpkins and showed off their hard work. They look great!

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